Monday, May 29, 2017

Anuj Patel - Prescreening Review For SAPSA Group 1F.

 Anuj Patel
ID: 998882783
Section 3
Review For SAPSA Group 1F

                This video starts off by mentioning how stable the government in the Philippines is. They do a good job in their video by discussing the importance of learning about their own culture and describe the weaknesses of our educational system as a whole. These weaknesses mainly include the fact that they mentioned in the video that classes in colleges do not include enough visuals such as videos that would describe the problems the minority cultures encounter in society, and that we only rely on the words people from these cultures say to see how they feel. Without seeing these people in person, it can be difficult for people of another culture to get the full meaning of the difficulties certain minority cultures face. This video also goes in to detail about the drawbacks of having one mainstream culture and mainly studying this culture, which ties in to the fact that we in America have a hard time knowing what happens globally if we just rely on our classes to teach us the information. I like how they had good visuals and fast motion pictures to describe their points they make in the video, but perhaps the pace of the visuals in the first part of the video should be slowed down because there were no visuals in the last minute of the video which made this part of the video hard to follow. I think their objective was clear in describing the type of cultures that were important for students to learn that cannot be learned just through class, and this objective was clearly met but the presentation of the video overall could be improved. I look forward to watching the full video in class on Week 10!

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