Monday, May 29, 2017

Elizabeth Chang - Group 2B Pre-Screen Feedback

Elizabeth Chang
Feedback for group 2B

I think that your group did a really good job with the introduction. The introduction gives the highlight and information needed to understand the context and the basis of your video. Another thing that I think was done very well was the voice over. It provided statistics and information that helps orient your audience and organize the topic of your video. Your objectives were clear and were stated in the beginning, so it provides a great structure to the whole video. Also, the graphics in the video are great! On the other hand, something I think that your group can work on is putting subtitles during the interview parts. Sometimes the audio is lower than the rest of the video and subtitles will help with comprehension. Additionally, when each interviewee starts talking about another subject, the questions that appear on the screen are sometimes camouflaged with the background so I would say that changing the style of the font to something that has black borders would make it more visible. Overall, I think that your group has a very organized and clear video and you wouldn’t need to change things other than the subtitles and the fonts or style of your text.

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