Saturday, May 27, 2017

Anna Yang - Week 9

Anna Yang

ASA Section 2
Week 9

Soya Jung’s article on “Why Ferguson Matters to Asian Americans” discusses the issue of black lives matter movement and where Asian-American stand between these protests going on in America. She mentions that Asian-Americans often ended up in the chasm between blackness and whiteness. One thing that makes Asian-American silenced in their opinion towards these matters is because of the model minority stereotype that is placed upon us. Jung’s expression of why anti-black racism should matter to Asian-Americans resonates with my belief and understanding.Growing in America, issues that seemed to come up or arise would be between white people or black people. As an Asian-American, I do see stigmatized belief in my community regarding people outside of our culture. I feel like we need to let go of this stigmatization and not see it as a race war but as a way to help other human beings. After hearing about the recent police on black violence and other issues, it made me think about how much support is needed to let America know that this is a serious matter in the black community and us as minorities should be expressive in this situation to be included in the conversation. With such a divide nowadays, it is important that we take action and help out communities in need. 

Q: How can Asian-Americans fight the stigmatization of other cultures to help them out in need?

References :

1. Jung, S. (2014, August 20). Why Ferguson Matters to Asian Americans. Race Files.
2.Plaid, A. (2016, May 03). When Asian American politics and Black Lives Matter met at Macalester. Retrieved May 28, 2017, from

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