Saturday, May 27, 2017

[1D] Pre-Screening: [Asian Fashionistas]

Section A01
Group members:

  • Emily Trang
  • Annie Deng
  • Natrine Cheuk
  • Ju Kim

Our object is to inform people that Asian (Americans) are now rising to be the top influencers and trendsetters in fashion and beauty. Their influence spans to people all around the world and they have gained respect and acknowledgment in this industry. Their influence is not only in fashion, but it has also extended out into beauty and makeup. Our target audience is for people who probably don't know what's going on in the fashion/beauty industry, gearing more towards the youth.

Our video is mostly done. We just need to edit minor details.

Please give feedback on the transitions, the overall content, if the objective was received or not, and the editing.


  1. Rachel Ibrahim
    Section A03 Group 3C- Feedback for 1D

    I think you definitely met your objective with informing people about the influence of Asian fashion designers. I like how you had multiple examples of popular Asians in the fashion world from people with almost two million subscribers to more local people with two thousand. I really liked the interview portions and how you interviewed a fashion blogger, but you also interviewed ordinary students to get their opinions. I liked how visual it was when you didn’t have speakers being interviewed. In regards to the screen captures of beauty blogs I think you could slow that down a bit if you have time. It was kind of hard to focus on the images as they scrolled past, it would be nice to be able to view those more clearly. I also liked how you expanded to include beauty products, especially Korean skin care because it is something that is rapidly popularizing in the U.S. I’m not sure if it was your objective or not to get your audience to recognize the specific fashionistas you talked about, because if so, I don’t think I remember any names. If you want your audience to know the people you talked about, maybe printing their names bigger would help but if not, I think the format is fine. Overall I think it was informative and brought attention to the world of Asian fashion.

  2. Joshua Vandermeyde
    Section A03 - Feedback for 1D

    Overall, you completed your objective of informing people that Asian Americans are some of the top influencers of fashion and beauty in America. From the video I learned a lot about how Asians are influencing that culture. Something that I think could improve the quality of your video is to include some type of music throughout the video like you had at the very beginning. You can find unlicensed “background” type of music at Just having some light music in the background can go a long way. I liked how you grabbed attention with the use of sound effects at the beginning and some inclusion of that later would be great as well. I think for some of the later examples it was not very clear on how they influenced the fashion industry, just that they had started a youtube channel. The interviews fit very well with the video and the different topics you discussed. More time could have been spent on the concluding part of the video, specifically the parts on how Asian fashion designers are given more important positions and the actual conclusion of the video. It seemed like those parts were a little short and the video ended a little abruptly. The video was well-made and achieves the goal you set.

  3. Aaron Seitz
    Section A03 Group 3C - Feedback for group 1D

    The first strength of your video was that you included a lot of examples of fashion bloggers and other influential people in fashion to support your objective. This was good because it really showed the large impact and influence Asians and Asian Americans have in the fashion world today. I also think the interviews you included were great because it gave evidence to support your objective other than just making claims yourself. One thing I noticed that could be improved was at 3:45 you begin to list other fashion bloggers which is great but you probably can cut out where you say when they started their blog/made their Youtube channel. Since your video is plenty long this would be a good place to remove a little and shorten it up. You can simply list the names of other fashion bloggers and leave it at that. You also mentioned you wanted feedback on the transitions and I think on the interviews in the second half of the video you could add something to the transition where you put the question asked on the screen. Maybe read it out with the voiceover or add some sort of animation to it. Most of the other transitions seemed smooth and effective. The objective of the video was clear and I think you did a good job of putting a lot of supporting information in the video. The one thing I think you could do to improve your objective/impact of the video would be to add more about why people should care about fashion and how Asian American influence has changed the fashion world. That being said, I know it would be hard to add much at this point and the objective is still very clear so that is a minor consideration.
