Sunday, April 26, 2020

Yuna Li (A03)-Week 5

Yuna Li
ASA2 A03
Week5 Blog
April 26, 2020

The cost of Asian American women to stand out and speak for themselves is so huge and risky. For the poem and the reading, I almost have fully the same depressed feeling about the persecution these bold and struggling women suffered. Before their awakening, it gets even worse that almost none of them have the right to critique academic institutions. Their gender, race, and ethnicity were regarded as barriers. They were tagged with the label of being too "passive" or "obedient". Indeed, Asian American women can be good leaders and activists. The voice of the community should be enlarged to fight against academic depoliticization. However, conflicts may derive from getting power. There might be impossible to find a balance between power and community. Shannon Deloso mentioned that "being in this position gave me access to power, but it also meant being part of the system that I was trying to change" (p. 182). What's more, "the manipulation of the narrative redirected attention and criticisms away from the university administration and incited public ridicule against the student activists". The feeling of speaking might be like "in the jungle" and surrounded by aggressive predators. However, it is important to take part in a social justice campaign and address the issue with community members, so that fighting alone can not worry too much.
25+ Best Asian Americans Memes | Points Memes, and Memes

Valverde, K. L. C. (2019, October 11). Fight the Tower: Asian American Women Scholars' Resistance and Renewal in the Academy. Retrieved from

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