Sunday, February 24, 2019

Week 8 Wenjie Xie A02

The weekly article “I would always rather be abnormal than holistic: nine micro-essays” by Shana Bulhan Haydock discusses about author’s opinion about how we treat mental health problem in modern society.  The author states that it is inappropriate to treat every individual’s mental health problem as the same issue. And the idea that those problems are just normal human spectrum of emotions and could eventually be cured by pathologizing approaches is what industry want us to believe but not what we should believe. In nowadays society, we treasure and respect individualism, it is a stupid idea to label or conform everyone to a same standard. As the scholars attempt to categorize people in order to well govern society, it is the way to deny human right. My parents’ generation does not understand why mental health problem is an issue nowadays. They always told that they’ve also experienced similar problems when they were young and refuse to admit that it is same as physical health issue. 

Q: why people refuse to accept that mental health is an issue?


Haydock, S. "fucked up." In I would always rather be abnormal than holistic: Nine micro-essays. (45-53). DSM: Asian American edition.


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