Sunday, February 24, 2019

Shani Henderson Week 8 Blog Post A02

Shani Henderson
Week 8

In this weeks' readings, the main theme focused on mental health issues, sexuality, religion, and other sensitive topics that can be found quite controversial or restricted in the sense of communication. More specifically, in the article "Fucked Up- I Would Always Rather be Abnormal than Holistic: Nine Micro-Essays", the author, Shana Bulhan Haydock, speaks about the holistic view when it comes to health and especially mental health. She speaks about and makes it clear that in the sense of mental health, we should not have the idea of holism. To say that the symptoms or experiences that someone goes through is a part of "normal" life experiences and everyone eventually experiences them is a bit belittling. It belittles the severity of the issue a person is going through. It can make a person feels as if their emotions are not of much importance when they express how they feel to someone they feel safe with. According to the article, the writer explains that in this sense it is better to be abnormal and reach out and get help for issues relating psychology rather than staying with in the normal reigns that society places. If for example, people were living with cancer or diabetes the idea holism can be dangerous. To say that the symptoms or pain the patient suffers with are normal experiences that everyone goes through, can cause more pain or further damage to the person. The same can happen with those with mental illnesses. There is also an idea that holism is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, when it comes to the "drug them up and shut them up" mentality. Although this is not the way to go about treating people suffering with mental illnesses, it does provide all those with the same symptoms the same treatments and connects those with the same issues. In my opinion, although I do not necessarily suffer with a diagnosed mental issue, i feel that all feelings, emotions, etc are valid and should be expressed with complete freedom and no type of insensitivity.
Image result for holistic

How can holism affect those with issues that do not necessarily speak up about it but hear the reasons why holistic thoughts are valid for those with mental illnesses?

  • Picture retrieved from:
  • Haydock, S.B. (2016). I WOULD RATHER BE ABNORMAL THAN HOLISTIC: NINE MICRO-ESSAYS. DSM: Asian American Edition, 45-53.

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