Sunday, February 24, 2019

ASA 002 Week 8 Xiao_Zhang A03

The article "Fucked up. I would always rather be abnormal than holistic: Micro Essays. " by Shana Haydock talks about mental illness in a perspective that was rarely mentioned in the other articles talking about mental health. Yes, in the modern world, society and mental counseling services is all about force their own thoughts and beliefs onto other’s mind – conform others into their standards. As a result, integrity (the ideology of respecting other’s feelings and freedom should be given to the person who make the choice for him/herself ) was seriously diminished, anyone who didn’t take those “fixed” standards would be labeled as abnormal and fixed. However, “fixed” is neither something modern nor humanistic, in a world that emphasizes on freedom and equity, everyone should have the right to be understood rather simply being defined. Human nature (weakness and advantages) is something that forms in the evolution of human beings – It is absolutely impossible to require everyone to be perfect. Perfection does even exist – it frustrate, disappoint people and eventually bad for both mental and physical health – because pursuit of something that never exist in a real world would never have any positive feedback – people who are emphasizing on perfection could only see the negativity and could hardly see any positivity. Seeing a world as a place full of negativity (rather than focus on the positive) could never be good living way. Therefore, the thinking of fixing people to make them absolutely perfect is by itself unachievable and is a unhealthy thinking. Remember, all of us are human, we came from the same origin, drink the one water, breath the one air, eat food that comes from one earth to live. We are all connected and all imperfect. So let’s stop labeling and trying to fix someone, but try to show our integrity by giving both ourselves and others the permissions to be human and letting them to make choice by themselves.
Questions: How does the thinking of fixing people come from? Who promoted it?

Haydock, S. "fucked up." In I would always rather be abnormal than holistic: Nine micro-essays. (45-53). DSM: Asian American edition.

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