Sunday, February 24, 2019

A03 Hexi Huang week 8

This week I read "What A Shaman Sees in a Mental Hospital." I have a particular interest in this topic because I also believe that were are not taking the correct approach to mental health. That being said I am also a bit skeptic about the shamanic rituals. I believe science and belief stem from the inherent human desire to understand things. Ever since we have been conscious we've told stories to try to explain the creation of our world and various phenomena that occur daily, and that is precisely what science is, a story to tell that allows us to understand our world.

There is this quote that I really like from the movie, Dr. Strange, I included it down below: "...Each of those maps was drawn by someone who could see in part but not the whole." There is more to existence than atoms and electricity I believe and science as we see it now is not equipped to explain everything and I predict in a few millennia could be equivalent to today's mythology.

As a person of Chinese descent I encounter the teachings of Chinese medicine occasionally and it really helps me understand how much more there is to health and existence overall, in Chinese medicine we often talk about "chi" or energy and when this energy gets out of balance, consequences ensue, bloody noses, cold sores, skin lesions and correction for this happens at the root of the problems with chi.

One last thing I want to touch on to convince people there is more out there is the concept of consciousness. there is no scientific explanation for why we are conscious. the best science can do right now is say that our brains fire off electricity seemingly randomly and that is about it. Could it be that all human accomplishment is based on chance? I don't find that very convincing so I believe there is more out there

Marohn, S. (n.d.). What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital.

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