Sunday, February 24, 2019

Week 8 Section 002 Christopher Esparza-Lezo

In What a Shaman See’s by The Mind Unleashed a graduate student recounts his experiences visiting his friend in a mental health hospital. In the institution he was able to view the way Western medicine treats Mental illnesses to be problematic. As a problem the West does not consider spiritual connotations like the Shaman people. To Shamans’ Mental illness is a sign of spiritual messages by deities from the spirit realm to warn the community about some important issue. My first reaction sort of mocked the idea on the existence of a spiritual world.

Grown up in America and conditioned by Western beliefs I have adopted narratives about the West. Being multicultural from my own heritage as a Latino I am open and understand outside perspectives and systems of beliefs on most topics. Its interesting being an American the way White America is not tolerable to outside beliefs without scientific evidence as proof. Shamans argue Western society blockes the spirits attempt to make the afflicted individuals healer transition. The use of medicine by these societies tend to characterize Schizophrenia as a problem which agitates the spirits mergence into their subject. The transition is pushed away and the result is pain.

Upon hearing a critique on Western practices, I believe a spirit world is plausible. Many cultures believe in the existence of a deity and begs the question whether science has persuaded us into a materialistic and capitalist frame of mind that thinks humans are only bodies. Or whether the notion of souls and spirituals worlds as spoken about everywhere around the globe should be taken seriously.

Similarly growing up in a Christian household I am a believer to the existence of a spiritual entity or world that exists. My parents are believers in the Virgin of Guadalupe as a form to receive assistance in stressful situations. Spirits act like healers for any kind of affliction: financial distress, health disorders, depression and much more. Point being that deities in culture give people hope or add meaning to their lives. The picture above illustrates the Virgin of Guadalupe as a grand powerful image capable to intervein in the lives of mortals.

I believe our materialist society has over emphasized her presence as a wizard with supernatural abilities and loss touch with the existence of God’s role in operating one’s own self agency. For example, instead of seeing us and god as two separate people, Shaman’s see spirits as the role model in which they operate under their own self agency. Their lives is dictated to god’s message. 

                                                        Work Cited

Stephanie Marohn. The Mind Healer, What a Shaman See’s in A Mental Hospital. April 2014, Date Accessed, February 18t, 2019

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