Sunday, November 12, 2017

Group 8: Asian Americans and Academic Performance

1 comment:

  1. I like how you combined a mixture of still photos and videos for visual aides for the introduction and included filmed interviews. However, one weakness might be the lack of coverage in terms of interviews. Having more background information on what the model minority myth and the tiger mom complex would help to provide more context to the research depending on who your target audience is. I would recommend that you add concluding analysis of the research (interviews) to improve the clarity of the research project. The research is presented and the video ends without a clear answer to the research question. The objective is clear in terms of what topic your group was researching. However, whether or not there is a social issue to be made aware of is unclear or was made unclear by the responses of the interviewees. A synthesis of the research obtained might be of aid in drawing a better picture of why the responses of the interviewees and the personal account are significant. Even though the information is presented, it is more impactful to bring everything together in the end for the audience to recap. Additionally, I suggest leaving the audience with some sort of takeaway, or solution to the problem.

    Kelsey Kim (Group 7) Section A03
