Week 9
ASA 002
Section 02
Zhenglun Fu
I am most interested in article "Why Ferguson Matters to Asian Americans" by Soya Jung in this wees's reading. It make me think of Peter Liang matter, Peter Liang was the first police officer in New York in 10 years to be prosecuted for causing death in negligence. The purple for this protest was Chinese American safeguard their rights and interests by law, but they absolutely did not wish to see the ethnic Chinese American fighting against other ethnic groups while uniting with them. All ethnic groups should maintain a good relationship, However, it does not mean that one ethnic group would not protect their own rights and interests when they maintain good relations.
In recent years, we have seen more and more protest for Asian American when the incident happened, Asian American were no longer a silent ethnic group, and this is a good sign. We all understand that it is still up to the Chinese people to fight for their rights and interests in the United States.
Ferguson, S. J. (2016). Race, gender, sexuality, and social class: dimensions of inequality and identity. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Hansen, M., & Pearce, M. (2016, April 19). No prison time for ex-NYPD Officer Peter Liang in fatal shooting of Akai Gurley. Retrieved November 19, 2017, from http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-liang-sentencing-20160419-story.html
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