Sunday, November 26, 2017

Week 10 - Lawrence Liu

Lawrence Liu
ASA 2 A01
Week 10

In "The Time to Fight Is Now”: When Asian American Women In Academia Go Rogue" by Kieu Linh Caroline Valverde and Wei Ming Dariotis, the authors describe the injustices and obstructions women face in academia. In addition to the readings from the previous weeks where we learnt about the corporate structure of the university, it is quite aggravating to watch as the system continues to oppress our talented professors. Although, it is very inspiring to see the steps that women in academia across the country, including the Fight the Tower Movement, to fight back and bring awareness to the issue. I feel as students there is more that we can do more to influence the issue.

Question: What will it take for students to band together and take action to end the injustices?

D. (2007). Figure 1. Academic profiles by gender; natural and physical sciences 2007 [Digital image]. Retrieved November 26, 2017, from

Valverde, C. & Dariotis, W. M. (2017). “The Time to Fight Is Now”: When Asian American Women In Academia Go Rogue. Retrieved November 25, 2017

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