Sunday, March 10, 2019

Week10 Bradley Kitaoka Section:A04

For this week’s reading we had to read “Academics Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke”. The article does a good job in summarizing everything we learned about the forms of oppression that happens in the work place. Especially those that work in the education system. However, something in the article that stood out to me is when it was talking about the term “being woke”. We learned that being woke is defined as being aware of issues in both racial and social justice. We also learned that the term has lost its meaning and been turned into somewhat a joke over the years. I think this is part of the social construct of society wanting to keep people in their designated boxes put on them by society. This is why society has taken a serious term like “being woke” has been turned into a joke because it makes people take “being woke” as not serious so people don’t try to learn and pay attention to these issues in the world. Throughout the quarter we have learned how Asian-Americans have been oppressed in academia, the law, and many other facets of our lives. Hopefully, throughout the years racism towards Asian-Americans will disappear completely along with the myth of the model minority.

Question: If racism does fully disappear in America will it disappear all at one time or will some races be freed from racism before others?
Dariotis, W. M & Valverde, K. L. (n.d.). Academics Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke
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