Friday, March 8, 2019

SAPSA A04 - Ho, Kitaoka, Tran

Carson Ho
Bradley Kitaoka
Katherine Tran
Section A04

1. What is your SAPSA about?
We want to bring awareness about the representation of Asian American athletes in American society, as well as the factors that may contribute to why such representation is the way it is. We plan to present our video in three main segments: “Do we see a lot of high profile Asian American Athletes?,” “Why or why not?,” and “Hope for Asian Americans in sports.” Our first segment’s goal is to present statistics to show give the audience an idea of how few Asian American athletes there are in the college and professional level. Our second segment goes into a discussion of various factors that aims to tackle why Asian American athletes are lowly represented. Our final segment serves to highlight athletes who may or may not be in the public spotlight.

2. Who is your intended audience?
Our video was made to show the general public, sports fans, athletes, coaches, and other Asian Americans how Asian Americans in sports are faring, and to get them to acknowledge and possibly change their perception of what an athlete is, and if that image includes Asian Americans. We want to encourage coaches to possibly accept more Asian Americans into sports, Asian Americans in general to participate more in sports.

3. Did you accomplish what you set out to do?
Our goal was to create a video that brought awareness to the low population of Asian-American athletes in US sports and the reasons for this. We also wanted to highlight some popular Asian-Americans you may know. We accomplished our goal because our video touched on all of these topics.

4. What were the challenges?
Some challenges that we faced were that we didn't have a lot of time to get together and work on things together and sometimes the time it took to upload the video was very long.

5. What would you have done differently?
If we were to have done things differently we would've tried to have more time to meet in person to work on the SAPSA instead of working on it individually.

6. What is the future of your SAPSA?
Hopefully the future of our SAPSA will be that more people will be aware of the struggles that Asian-American athletes go through. Also we hope that Asian-American kids will continue to play sports and that over time more will be able to make it to the professional level.

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