Saturday, March 9, 2019

Week 10_ Christine Chau_A04

As my last blog post and this week's reading of the Conclusion of Academics Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke it solidified my understanding of the injustices in the system and how Asian American women's success is really just adding on to the system. "The chains serve to shame and silence within the hierarchical institutions that are focused not on rewarding our merit, but on protecting their own structures ad those of capital and patriarchy". This sentence brought me back to one of our previous readings that talked about how some students get really close to professors or work well within the institution but fail to realize at the end of the day it's either about the money or institution. The topic of "wokeness" correlates to this because "it started as an imperative to trust ourselves, our own eyes, and our own senses- to never be duped by any engineered forms of oppression and division again". The challenge of the institution can be scary as well, going against a corporate like business with expensive lawyers behind them. The sad part is that most of the time they aren't worried either, because they know the system is so messed up they know chances are they will be able to sweep it under the rug and go on their day making more money for themselves. It sucks to think about how the systems are run. Sometimes I think to myself that I should be grateful to be here, that I have family out there counting on me to mind my business, get my education, and be successful. But how can you mind your business and go on with your day when you see injustices everyday? How can we simply ignore the oppression many people face? They want us to ignore it, they want us to mind our business and just get our degree. If enough people start to care and look into the systems, there can be change. All it takes is numbers (in my opinion) just numbers of students, staff, anyone. But it's hard when not everyone cares as well, because they think "well it doesn't directly affect me, so why should I care?" I hope one day there will be a time where we can see the changes in systems.

Image result for knowledge is power

Chose this image because "knowledge is power"


'RESIST - Knowledge is Power - Teacher Student Resist Fist' Poster by Somebody Who Gives a Damn. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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