Friday, March 8, 2019

Final SAPSA Video: Group 6 A02 - Chloriza, Miguel, Richard, & Shani

You can watch our final video here
(Please watch in HD)

SAPSA Final Video: Group 6 A02
Group Members:
  • Chloriza Avila
  • Miguel Flores
  • Richard Nguyen 
  • Shani Henderson 
Mental Health Among Asian American College Students*

Mental health is heavily stigmatized within Asian American communities, so we would like to shed light on the topic and provide more information about why it is seen as “taboo”. We hope to destigmatize mental health and bring awareness that will encourage students to confront these experiences and provide support to their own peers. 

Most college students in general would be able to relate to this issue. As a matter of fact, mental health transcends even beyond Asian American communities. We wanted to focus specifically on the Asian American community because we feel that there are certain aspects and factors that may be different in our communities such as the role of tiger parents, collectivism, unwillingness to seek help etc. Often times there are statistics and articles that cover mental health within college communities, but we wanted to take it a step further by catering specifically to the Asian American community since the information on this topic is scarce. 

We believe that this is an important topic because it is something that we each have either dealt with personally, or know someone that has at some point during our college endeavors. We feel that it is important to not only inform, but to also provide methods of support for our communities should they ever encounter these type of experiences. 

*References and sources were all cited at the end of our video. 

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