Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Week 10 - Nuong Vo - A04

        Taking this class was very interesting because I got to learn many different lenses that I never thought very deeply about. This class really revealed to me how socially engineered our society is due to corporate control. I had always thought universities were above this since universities were supposed to be a site that encourages good work ethics and honesty. It's very ironic that even though they try to preach good work ethics to the students, the universities themselves aren't innocent of this. It's very clear that money is a strong factor in many government and university decision. It was a surprise to see how quick people are in attempting to devalue and discredit someone's work just because the cold honest truth was exposed. I also hope we can encourage unity and stand up against the system that seeks to take advantage of those who are oblivious to the control or use their position to ruin someone else's credibility and socially isolate them. Although "being woke" sounds really funny, it's the perfect phrase to describe what is happening. People need to break away from the information they're just mindlessly accepting and become more self-aware and critical. How do we get people to be more self-aware of the social injustice and socially engineered society we live in?

Anon. n.d. “CONCLUSION.” Academics Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke 1–27.
Golightly, Rebecca. 1970. “BA1002 External Group 1.” Taste, Role and Corporate Control. Retrieved March 6, 2019 (

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