Sunday, May 24, 2020

Zitong Wang ASA 002 A03 Week 9

After reading about the "academic symbiosis" which is introduced by Prof. Dariotis, I realized many common issues that are termed differently. As this topic of maintaining healthy relationships between peers was also mentioned previous readings like "the invisible labor of Asian", I have come to realize how mental fitness isn't just about not being bullied and feel like being treated equally. As long as a race is not at the stage where one can grow and thrive with their full potential, I think it is still very hard for an Asian American especially woman to be less stressed while trying to stay alive in the workspace. It would be very exhausting to have to treat maintaining friendships as tasks by trading it with extra time and effort. 

Going back to the topic of "Academic Symbiosis", which is explained similar to my realization from previous readings - Asian Americans shouldn't have to fight for their access to the services. In my opinion, this phenomenon reflects that some major decisions have been ignoring minorities's right because of pluralizing voting systems which are relating to our topic in "the social engineering system". Although I understand that it is a very high expectation to ask everyone to completely ignore the ethnicities and preconceived notions unconsciously, which also in another way, ignores the difference between individuals, I do agree with Prof. Dariotis that "Academic Symbiosis" should be the common goal we set so the people can gradually increase their awareness on which the academia is about win-win cooperation instead of a toxic competition. 

"Toxic competition" (MTI Events)


Dariotis, Wei Ming. "Academic Symbiosis: A Manifesto on Tenure and Promotion in Asian American Studies.” Fight the Tower: Asian American Women Scholars' Resistance and Renewal in the Academy, Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde and Wei Ming Dariotis, Rutgers University Press, 2020.

MTI Events, "Healthy vs Toxic Competition in the Workplace", May 15, 2018,  

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