This is the last week of reading and the book has come to the end. The book and the class might have come to an end but the journey to fight against all kinds of discriminations will proceed. Looking back at the beginning of the quarter, I was confused on a lot of concepts and believed that academy is alway equal and brings people the best. However, I was shocked and angered when first reading some of the articles related to injustice in academy. Then, I learned a lot on how and why the systems work in such way and what I can do to change all that. In the end of the quarter, I have gained so much knowledge on how to cope with discriminations and how to become a better self. Under the current condition, minority groups are still facing so many injustice and discriminations and there is still a very long journey to go through. The process may be difficult and I should stay awakened and be part of the progress. Students sometimes forget about the class they learned after a few quarters but this is a class to always remember.
I remember the last poem by Wang Ping was very heart-broken and sad. But in this poem, Wang Ping shows some hopes in her life and find the Kintsuki of her. Kintsuki is a Japanese art of repair broke parts with gold. Wang Ping implies that she is gradually recover from the loss and stress. She never gave up in the journey no matter how tough it was. I'm glad to see this poem by Wang Ping because it brings hope to me. She really becomes undefeated and now she becomes better with her wounds healed with "gold".

W.P. My Kintsuki
Kieu Linh Caroline Valverde and Wei Ming Dariotis. “Conclusion: Academics Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke”
Robyn Magalit Rodriguez. “Epilogue. Upward and Onward: Asian American Women’sLegal Resistance”
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