Exponential Pain and a Limited Love
Someone once told me that you cannot pour or share love if your own cup of love is empty. In other words, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Neivera-Lozano demonstrates in the narrative portion that there are malicious and intentional scheming of sabotage of her within her work environment. Asian American youth womxn or incoming Asian American womxn scholars look to those Asian American womxn who are already in academia for guidance and mentorship.
I got really excited before even reading this because I saw "Pinayist" in the title and felt some kind of relationship to the text because I identity as Pilipinx American. When I actually read this, I felt awoken to the many ways Pinay scholar activists were able to take their experiences and knowledges and turn it into something transformation for their work from "here on out." From the very beginnings of the text, I felt excited to personally know and recognize the names of mentors and Pinay scholars I look up to with so much hope: "Robyn, Dawn..." Almost immediately, I skimmed through the reading until I came across the familiar names in this chapter. The late-Dawn Mabalon's narrative really humanized the experience. I share similar sentiments for readings and work, yet I am only in my undergraduate years. It made me reflect back onto when I was a kid. A Bachelor's was considered so prestigious and was so respected, but the expectation to achieving this feels similar to high school now that I am here. I feel like things are becoming repetitive. I learn different and new things but I feel like I'm running on a hamster wheel. Reading both Dr. Dawn Mabalon's and Dr. Robyn Rodriguez's pieces simply demonstrated how they've created meaningful work based in community based on their passions despite the difficulties that weren't downplayed.
Thorton, B. (2018). "How Do Plants Grow." T5Fixtures. Accessed May 24, 2020. http://www.t5fixtures.com/how-do-plants-grow/.Neivera-Lozano, M-A. (2013). Fight the Tower: Asian American Women Scholars' Resistance and Renewal in the Academy: "Pain + Love = Growth: The Labor of Pinayist Pedagogical Praxis'" Rutgers University Press.
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