For this final week, I read Professor Valverde and Wei Ming Dariotis' piece called "Conclusion: Academics Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke". This week's reading really ties in with the current events and the main takeaways from this course. It has always been engraved, culturally, that individuals with an Asian heritage should always stay quiet as a means of portraying respect. Nowadays, more and more Asian Americans are standing up for themselves and "staying woke". In addition, with the recent events involving George Floyd, many individuals are realizing how big of an issue police brutality is. In class, we spoke about the history of policing and the unnecessary force and violence that occurs daily. I believe that the horrific incident involving George Floyd has opened many people's eyes and have united people in protesting against the unjust policing system. Many individuals who usually would keep quiet are joining together in protest and uniting as one to make a statement, and hopefully create a necessary change in our nation. I believe this course and our recent lectures are very concurrent with what is happening in the world today. My question is: how do you think the government is going to respond to these protests and do you think they will create a necessary change in our nation's policing system?

Fight the Tower: Asian American Women Scholars' Resistance and Renewal in the Academy, by
Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde and Wei Ming Dariotis, Rutgers University Press, 2020, pp. 423-
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