Sunday, May 24, 2020

Week 9 Blog Huiling Chen ASA001 A01

 Week 9 Blog Huiling Chen ASA001 A01

For this week's reading, the academic symbiosis, I think it refers to a really warm and positive environment that people should be supportive of each other and contribute to the community instead of fighting for scarce resources. I personally consider this kind of idea is good and it is like an optimal situation that we all want. However, it just impossible to achieve. It is true that there are people who might be willing to do what is best for society, but it is not everyone. Most people might just focus on their own benefit. For every decision they make, the first thing in mind might be what I can gain for this decision instead of what the social gain. I think this is the thing that we all know but we just don’t want to admit it. So, this is the same case in the academic. It is true that supportive academia is good, but will people just give up their chance to compete for the scarce opportunity or resources just because this is good to the academia overall instead of considering promotion is good for themselves? I don’t really think so. But as mentioned, academia needs to be reshaped, but we are not sure about the best solution yet because it is so complicated.

Will people really give up their own benefit because they consider this will benefit the entire society?

3 Healthcare Stocks That Have a Killer Advantage.” Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo!, 1 Sept. 2019,

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