Sunday, May 3, 2020

ASA02 Yvonne Peng A02 Week6

After reading through the article "Hmong Does Not Mean Free" by Kaozong N. Mouavangsou', I feel related to the topic that going to college is the fastest way to reach stable future income for average families. Hmong families used to have less access to outside business opportunities and advanced education. Thus, for many Hmong people back to the old days, walking out and getting good education and skills can always lead to a more wealthy life. And this idea passed on to the next and next generations. However, the American education system is trying to separate Hmong groups and make them lose self-identification. American education taught them that their ethnic group was not successful and how the American group is superior to them. People are made to abandon their own mother tongue. Once people don't speak their own language, they will start to lose their culture because generally they will lose the ability to read and record history for themselves, and in the end, they will lose their self-identity.   
In fact, I personally have this idea imprinted in my mind as well. Being born in an average family, I have to admit that I'm not smarter than anyone, I'm not a genius that can be good at everything or just be professional in one area. I don't have strong financial support and supreme family background or relationship that can help me spend fewer efforts on the path to success. Like many parents of average families, my dad and my mom expect their daughter who is the first generation to go to a 4-year college to achieve higher goals, social status, and life than what they have right now. Well, this brings the idea that how social engineering is working on transforming the college into a labor factory also happens in China. In addition, Chinese education also did a similar policy on minority groups in the mainland. They are not allowed to speak their language in school; they have to speak mandarin. This process is called "ethnic uniform", however, it's just another way to make people lose their culture and beliefs, and the people in power can easily control them.
Question: In Chinese history, uniforming letters and languages helped the unification of the whole country in Qin dynasty,  why this became so evil in modern society? 
Mouavangsou, K. “Hmong Does Not Mean Free: The Miseducation of and by Hmong Americans”. Fight the Tower. Rutgers University Press.
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