Sunday, May 24, 2020

Aochen Li ASA002 A04 Week 9

Aochen Li ASA002 A04 Week 9

Opinion: Epistemic injustice in the academia — Observatory of ...In the reading, "Academic Symbiosis: A Manifesto on Tenure and Promotion in Asian American Studies", the author Wei Ming Dariotis mentions her experience of receiving tenure and promotion in academia. She talks about although she received support from her colleagues, dean, department chair, and some other people, her promotion still be denied by the provost with the reason which is not listed in the requirement. After a few years, that provost retired and the author received her promotion. Achieving tenure and promotion is significant in scholars in academia. However, injustice happens in this process. From her description of the battle for equality and fair treatment in academia, I felt it is really hard to fight for justice because it is too time-consuming. "But the reality is that the battle for equality and fair treatment can span one's entire academic career.", mentioned in the reading. The reality of the system made scholars use the lives of their academic careers as the wager to battle with injustice. This may be a crucial reason that the oppressed group in academia is hard to protect their rights properly. Also, the author talks about a concept named "Academic Symbiosis". This can be referred to as "the antithesis of academic competition, hierarchy, and parasitism". I think this is an ideal academic environment. The academic suppression may lead to the loss of scholars with excellent talents. Without the competition, hierarchy, and parasitism, more thoughts can be heard. More people with talent can be found. Maybe we have already lost one "Einstein" due to the systematic drawbacks. 

(n.d.). Retrieved from

Valverde, K.-L. C., & Dariotis, W. M. (2020). Fight the tower: Asian American women scholars resistance and renewal in the academy. Rutgers University Press.

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