Sunday, May 24, 2020

Yun Han ASA2 A04 Week9

In this week's reading "Academic Symbiosis: A Manifesto on Tenure and Promotion in Asian American Studies," the author Wei Ming Dariotis explains the term academic symbiosis as the antithesis of academic competition, hierarchy, and parasitism. It can guide the challenging decision process. For example, the author mentions the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission already prohibits discrimination in hiring. In addition, the author also mentions the importance of the manifesto on tenure and promotion on Asian American studies.

In the reading "Pain + Love = Growth: The Labor of Pinayist Pedagogical Praxis," the author explores how race, class, and gender influence the growth of identity. The author encourages people to develop critically conscious curriculums, disseminating knowledge about histories of oppression. 

My question: How can we use academic symbiosis in real life to overcome some challenges?

Valverde, K.-.L. C., &O' Brien G. (2020). Fight the tower: Asian American women scholars resistance and renewal in the academy. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. 
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