Monday, May 6, 2013

Think Twice

Sharon Hong

In the article “Deporting Our Souls and Defending Our Immigrants” by Bill Ong Hing, it brings great attention to the deportation of America. Many Asian American refugees and immigrants face deportation for many unjust reasons and sees the discrimination through the process. Many felons have already paid their dues to the crime, but still get deported. The only solution to why one would get deported is because of the racial profiling Americans still base on. Instead of deporting these people, America should try to fix the problem. It is not only the immigrants who came here as adults, but also the people who came as infants and lived as an American their whole life. These people do not commit crimes because they are from somewhere else, they commit crimes because of the environment they grew up in- America. My question is this: how can we deport people who have made serious offense and sees the fault in where they are from? There are many small crimes, in which people still get deported and sees this as unfair. I believe that people do deserve second chances and maybe if they cross that line, then it is okay to be deported. People do not know how serious deportation means, and how much damage it can do to a person. 

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