Saturday, April 4, 2020

Xin Nie, A04, Week 1 blog.

Xin Nie
ASA 02 A04
Week 1

In my opinion, the United States underestimated the coronavirus from the very beginning. So, it's out of control until now. And the CDC keeps saying people don't need to wear masks. I really don't know what they're thinking. Since Asian people still wear masks, this is the most useful precaution. Then, President Trump suddenly called it "China virus", which is hard to understand. And there is discrimination against Asians in the community. Some Asian people walking on the street were called a "coronavirus", some were directly hit by someone. So that's not the right thing what a President should do. Since we know this coronavirus has no borders and no country can stay out of the way. Instead of laughing at each other and blaming each other, everyone should stick together. Only in this way we can overcome it as soon as possible. Now, the CDC doesn't say you should wear a mask, but I recommend when you go outside, you need to wear a mask and gloves, because this virus is airborne, and you can't tell the speed when it spread. It's spreading too fast. Our young people must pay attention to this virus, because it may not hurt us very much, but what about our family? Or our parents? The virus can be deadly to them. So, don't say that again "it's okay if we get it." This is irresponsible for everyone's safety. If you leave home, you may bring it back. This virus can survive on almost anything for a long time. The situation in New York is a mess and hope California can avoid it. I think CA can help the New York State. 
Finally, I hope everyone is safe. We are going through this difficult period hand in hand.

Reference Section

Symptoms of Coronavirus. (2020, March 20). Retrieved from

Photo Reference:
美专家分析:中国应有150万人感染新冠肺炎. (2020, March 2). Retrieved from      

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