The poem “The Cost of Speaking” which was written by W. P. Gives me so many implications. As W. P. Argues in the poem, “You’re shushed, shunned, shamed, then shoved into the court where money equals power equals truth” (161). From this sentence, it can be inferred how terrible of speaking truth in terms of colored women. This reminds me thinking that female students are more likely to be violated and abused than male students; Asian, ethnic and multi-ethnic students are more likely to be violated than white students; LGBT students are more likely to be violated than heterosexual students, according to the news I have read before. Then, at the end of the poem, W. P. States that “You tell yourself: I’m picking the right battle to fight; let others speak, and I’ll second” (162). I agree with this idea that it is necessary for colored women to fight for discrimination and injustice. It could be said that in the male-dominated workplace, it's time for women to struggle to survive and encounter inequality. It is hoped that the voices of all victims of sexual harassment will be heard, believed, and given hope for justice. In particular, they want to be able to speak for wage workers, who are often exposed to more gender-based violence and abuse. The question for this is that, what should social media play a role?
“The Cost Of Speaking The Truth”. Web. 26 Apri 2020. Available from:
W. P. “The Cost of Speaking”.
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