Saturday, April 25, 2020

Chen Liang A02 Week 5

This week, I read “The Cost of Speaking”. It tells the story of a female professor who did not get promoted, which usually should be given to her due to the discrimination of race and some other reason. As a result, she asserts her situation and fight for this inequality. In contrast, the school hired the lawyer and win this lawsuit. As a result, this female professor got in even more hard situations in school.
           The story is very impressive to me. Discrimination to the race and female people could happen anywhere. During school time, it may not so clearly. But in the working position, it becomes more. People are selfish most time, when there is no conflict of interest, people may not show their potential bias in the deep soul. However, humanity cannot suffer the test. Most of this inequality and distortion of human nature would expose under those fight for interest. Another person pursuing the promotion of the professor that should belong to the female professor, school pursuing winning the lawsuit to avoid a high amount of compensation are all showcase of this phenomena.
           However, we should still encourage those different races of people to stand up and fight for their equality. No matter win or lose, and the cost of speaking loud, we should do it. Otherwise, discrimination to gender and race won’t get any improvement in the future.

Question: Is there any good way to speak in a more effective way?

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