Wednesday, April 22, 2020

HaoranHu ASA002 A01 Week5


There are some stereotypes about Asian American women exist, but there are also many stereotypes about Asian American men to. According to a survey done by Jason Chen, it shows how “lack of representation” of Asian American men in American society. In his survey, he asked strangers on the street, and tell them to name a famous Asian American man on TV. Most of the answer is Bruce Lee who had been dead at 70s. “three top stereotypes for Asian American men are being good at math having small genitals and being good at computers.” Said by Jason Chen. By conducting his own study on Facebook and Twitter, he thinks that lacking of representation is the reason why these stereotypes are so hard to be changed. “Although these small stereotypes seem so subtle and miniscule, they really do have an impact on people’s lives.” Said by D. Kevin Nadal, who is a psychologist. But where are those stereotypes coming from?
NBC News, NBC News. “Where Stereotypes About Asian-American Men Come From | Take Back | NBC Asian American.” NBC News, 2016,

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