Fangyu Long A03 Week1
The CDC recommended that Americans use basic “nonmedical, cloth” masks in the public earlier today. Asian Americans, especially Chinese, were the first to wear face masks since the virus spread in Wuhan at the begging of 2020 and they were acknowledged that wearing masks is a good way to protect not only themselves but also the others in the community. Due the cultural differences and some bias against face masks, some people expressed discontent toward Asians who are wearing masks. Thus, the bigotry and hate crimes against Asian Americans have surged during the coronavirus crisis. In the reading, Valverde said that she was in an unwelcoming even harmful academic working environment. Same to these times in the coronavirus situation. Asian Americans, especially in New York and other big cities, are facing the same unwelcoming environment from the whole society. The situations even got worse since Trump used the word "Chinese Virus" in public speeches and social media. Some people assaulted and abused Asians wearing masks on the streets and in the subways. There are some videos about the assaults on the subway and they are heartbreaking and terrifying to watch. During such difficult times Asian Americans should stick together and take self-care like author mentioned in the reading. "Don't forget to eat healthy, exercise, and sleep."Valverde said. Stay healthy (both mentally and physically) and fight the coronavirus like Valverde fight for her tenure. For the question toward the reading is that can the author include more experience outside the tenure?
Jackson, Hallie. “Rep. Chu: Attacks on Asian-Americans 'Very, Very Alarming'.” MSNBC, NBCUniversal News Group, 31 Mar. 2020,
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