Sunday, April 30, 2017

Week 5

Robert Zhu
ASA 002
Section A02

In Empire of Death and the Plague of Civic Violence, Hamamoto identifies the types of violences and murders in our society often because of hate crimes, anger, jealousy, and territorial expansion. There was even mass murders on the Native Americans when the Europeans first arrived to America. Murders are becoming so frequent that it has become more normalized. I remember when I was in middleschool , I always found murders and acts of violence on the news very disturbing, and I would go to sleep thinking about it. As I grew up, these acts of violence were seemingly the only thing seen on the news because that’s just how much violence has seemed to have escalated. While I still perceive these acts as disturbing, it doesn’t have a big mental toll on me because I see these horrors so much that it has just become a daily routine. The increase of violence in human society is very concerning because murder and violence is an act that cannot be reversed. Something that has been occurring recently and repeatedly are the outbreaks of fights between pro-Trump and anti-Trump. These brawls and attacks often lead to serious injuries and even death.

Question: Does the media have an influence on the increase of violence in Human society because violence and murder becoming more perceived as a routine event?

A recent outbreak of fights between pro-Trump and anti-Trump protesters in Berkeley.

Fight erupts at CA protest, 12 arrests made. Youtube. CNN, 15 Apr. 2017. Web. <>.

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