Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week 4 - Joanne Agus

This week’s readings discuss the differences in university’s aim and approach to pleasing the community and corporatizing the system. In short, A Tale of Two Campuses by Alan Markow focuses on the way UCD an UCB differs in managing funds in the eye of the community, and Why We Should Fear Universities by Fedrik deBoer discusses how universities are turning more into a company that pleases higher personels and to appeal better to the community.

I find that the two articles are interesting in that it is very applicable to the experiences I have as a second year student. I still remember the times when I toured universities around the US and seeing how different tour programs really makes a difference in the way outsiders, like me, view universities. In a way I have understood that despite applying to public universities, the aim of the institution is to create bigger pool of funds. Now, as a tour guide for UCD, I have also understood that every choice of word that I make will create an influence in inviting students to apply and register to UCD. Throughout the process, I have been told to use certain words and to mention specific departments and achievements of the university so that we appeal better to the community. While I enjoy the job, I can still see the plasticity and corporation of the university system in that way.

Q: How can prospective students understand more about which university to apply to, in terms of how the institution makes the best decision for the student population?

(Ing, 2016)

Ing, W. (2016). In Tory Britain higher education is a commodity and universities are businesses [digital image]. Retrieved 23th of April, 2017 from

A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy movements. Retrieved April 23, 2017, from

DeBoer, F. (2015, September 9). Why We Should Fear University, Inc. Retrieved April 23, 2017 from

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