Sunday, April 23, 2017

Victor Martinez
Section 002
Week 4

This weeks readings really struck a chord with me, because as a UC Davis alumni I have come to realize just how the board of directors are against the students and activism. We see it all the time, especially recently with chancellor Katehi's dismissal. The students are being taken advantage of, and the institution continues to try doing so. It seems that the primary motivator behind the UC Regents is to pursue the all mighty dollar and it gets more obvious every time.

The students are expected to be passive and simply accept unfair treatment from the higher-ups while paying enormous sums of money every quarter. Their loyalty isn't to the students at all, and those who complain are branded radicals and troublemakers. The way the quarter system is set up makes it very difficult for students to find the time for activism against the torrents of midterms and finals. With such little free time allowed to students, the opportunities to participate in activism gets increasingly difficult.

Professors are kept threatened by dismissal and there's little that anyone can do about it. That's probably what makes a lot of would be activists lose hope. The power remains firmly in the hands of the elite, and activists have little means of going against them.

So my question is, "What sort of resources are available to University Students to continue to be active against the injustices of the university?"

Why We Should Fear University, Inc.
Fredrik deBOER -

Chen, M. (2015, October 12). [Cartoon]. Retrieved from

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