Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Week 3

Victor Martinez
Section 002
Week 3

This week’s readings were on the subject of tiger parenting, which was very interesting to read about. Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety particularly, was about the role of parents in the college application process. It seems perfectly reasonable that a parent would want to encourage their child to achieve academic excellence, and the myths of tiger parenting seem over exaggerated. Family ties are what seem to be most important, and the children are still allowed a lot of freedom when it came to choosing schools.

Most often it was either, whatever was cheaper or closer, and they aren’t forced to go into prestigious schools. In my own experience I was heavily encouraged to do well in my academics, but because I felt I had a familial obligation to do so. My parents didn’t go full Amy Chua, but they did make it clear that they wanted me to go to university so that I could achieve upwards mobility. I had my sights set on Davis because it was closer to the home, which my parents really liked, and since my brother had been admitted to a few years prior. Family was the biggest influence on me, and it worked out rather well for me. That being said, parents pushing their kids to be their best isn’t strictly Chinese as Amy Chua, would lead people to believe. Most parents would want the best for their kids and would rather they achieve than fail. 

Question: "What does it mean to be a tiger parent?"

Poon, O and A Byrd. "Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety: Ethnic, Gender and Generational Differences in Asian American College Access and Choices." Journal of College Admission, 2013

[Amy Chua Quote]. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2017, from

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