Sunday, January 13, 2019

Week 2 - Nai Saechao - Section A03

Reading the article “Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety”, it gave me a lot of information about how Asian Americans chose the college they are attending and what influenced them to choose. The amount of data from researching and showed me that Asian Americans had influences from simply everyone. For example, some received information about choosing colleges by high school counselors, family members to just searching through the internet. As for me, going to college was very hard because we my parents would have to sacrifice many things to help me pay and I felt guilty, but didn’t really know why.
From other people, I heard that “Asian parents are strict and they want their kids to first in everything”. It’s not true for all parents because my parents wants me to do what I want as long as it will help me be successful. I have had friends that had very strict parents, that would not let their kids hang out with their friends, so they had to go straight home after school and they need permission for everything. By seeing this I realize that it just depends on how their parents were raised when they were little and it now affects their family now. It’s probably the same for all parents and not just Asian American parents because everyone would want their children to be successful and be happy.

Poon O. & Byrd A. (2013) Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety: Ethnic, Gender and Generational Differences in Asian American College Access and Choices. Journal of College Admissions, 23-31

From tiger to free-range parents – what research says about pros and cons of popular parenting styles, (May 26, 2016), Retrieved from

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