Saturday, January 26, 2019

Shani Henderson Week 4 Blog Post A02

Shani Henderson
Week 4

In this week's readings, specifically "A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy movements", it expressed the differences on how the two schools responded to the Occupy movement and the protests that the students and staff of that specific school performed. The Occupy movement is the fight against the social and economic inequality around the world but the students that protested fought for making higher education more affordable. Uc Berkeley responded to this by at least offering a plan for providing a campus that is more affordable for the middle class students and offering a helping hand to those who are struggling. While on the other hand, Uc Davis responded to this situation and issue by insisting and complaining about the damages of the protest that the students caused. Uc Davis did not offer any options or plans to help its students in any way. This is really sad and shows the school's priorities and their sense to empathize with the struggles of its community. This relates to me because I am a student attending Uc Davis. This article really opened my eyes to the reality of how us students are seen to the administration of this school. Uc Davis really only focused on the damages that the protest caused instead of the topic or issue that they were protesting.  They cared and worried more about the money they had to spend on the cleaning and repairing than the fact that its own students are struggling to pay for a higher education that they desired to carryout.

Image result for the occupy movement

Based off of this article, can we still assume that Uc Davis is careless about the struggles of its students til this day?
Markow, A. (2011, Dec.) A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy movements.
Picture derived from:

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