Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week 4_Wesley Lee_A01

This week's articles, especially "Why We Should Fear University, Inc." seemed awfully too close to reality. I noticed all the same things occurring on the UC Davis Campus as the author did on his campus. I noticed the corporate presence with the Pete's coffee, Amazon lockers and the food trucks that we see around campus. UC Davis, similar to the university in the article, is in the constant process of construction and expansion. We have very pristine buildings that are designed to be attractive to people, but yet I noticed that most of my classes take place in the old buildings of campus that barely get renovated. I understand there are logistical reasons for this, but it always seems that what gets prioritized is the structures and systems that make the university look pristine. One rumor I always remember is that UC Davis purposefully constructs the newer buildings on the edge of campus to attract people as they drive by. It always seems like the labs in the Sciences Lab Building are running on the bare minimum of supplies and are in need of remodeling, yet less crucial facilities are getting redone.

Q: Can we completely remove corporate interests from campus or only minimize it?

- DeBoer, F. (2015). Why We Should Fear University, Inc.: Against the corporate taming of the American College. The New York Times Magazine. Retrieved from
- Hammer, Mathias G. (2018). Cambridge Defend Education protesting against proposals to cut staff pensions. Retrieved from

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