The readings this week of whistleblowers, societal and economic change, and changes to universities are chilling.
In “Unmaking the Public Universities” the author breaks down the university as a public institution for different people of different socioeconomic backgrounds, blue and white collar workers. It was meant to be about “seeking and discovery of truth” but as the public university budget was slashed, there was a concern to find private funding to support essential education to create a flexible loyal non questioning workforce in the new global economy. There was a shift from truth seeking education, to one of a prepared workforce ready to support the new, unstable economy.
“Why We Should Fear University Inc.” by Fredrik deBoer explains the corporatization of the University. The corporatization of the university is concerning. If corporations are legally individuals and universities become corporations, these institutions of profit can take control of what people can know. The corporized institution does not protect the individuals it supposedly serves, but seeks to protect profits through exploitation of individuals, in the increasing corporate environment and desires.
The university as a corporation creates an increasingly safe and dangerous environment. The professors are temporary, instructors who are visitors on campus who are temporarily hired for short and sporadic semesters.
This is frightening. Corporations serve the people who profit from revenues brought in. If revenue is the only desirable outcome from these universities we are in jeopardy. If our education is in the hands of the few, self interested, profit driven institutions, the people who are educated by these institutions will never learn to question. They wouldn’t want to question who they serve.
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