Sunday, May 21, 2017

Week 8

Vince Olanda


Week 8

In this week's article, What Asian Americans Are Bringing to Campus Movements for Racial Justice”, by Mark Tseng Putterman, he brings to light the interesting concept describing the delicate yet powerful spot asian americans are in right now regarding racial views amongst themselves as well as other minority groups, especially african americans. Asians play a crucial role in activism throughout all college campuses. In my eyes they are the determine factor in whether or not some movements are effective are not. For example, if a black empowerment movement were backed by asian americans, it just highlights how bad the situation they're trying to expose is, and people would be more likely to listen to their concerns. On the flip side, if asian americans joined in showing no interest in the movement, it would just suggest insignificance in the movement. In a way, where we align ourselves is the determine factor in who the winner is in the racial tug of war we have today.

This reading particularly reminded be of an article responding to the movie Get Out, a movie which microanalyzes the significance of an asian american in a white society. With this article the author, Rainier Madinding, introduced the concept 'Racial Triangulation,' a concept that resonated me and opened my eyes to the racial situation in America. The basic gist of this is that asian americans are at a point in which they have two choices, side with whites and their racial agenda to portray hem selves as better than the other minorities, or side with the minorities and in result be racially oppressed by the whites. The very reason an asian american was found in the sea of white individual in Get Out was that this particular asian succumbed to the pressure of Racial Triangulation, thus siding with the whites to place himself upon a high pedistol; one that deemd asian americans more important that african americans. It still blows my mind how I hadn't been exposed to this concept before watching Get Out, but now that I have my eyes have been opened. Here's the visual for the concept.

Questions: Some things I'm really curious about are what kind of events  happened that led to this structure being made? What can we do to fix this? IS there a way to fix this? Or will this be eternalized?

References: Why Get Out, a Movie About Anti-Black Racism, Had an Asian Character. (n.d.). Retrieved May 21, 2017, from

Putterman, M. T. (2016, December 27). What Asian Americans Are Bringing to Campus Movements for Racial Justice. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from

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