Monday, May 29, 2017

Maximilian Probstel 

ASA 002 Sec. A03 

Group 3B

SAPSA Pre-screening Review: 1C

I Am More Than My Stereotype International Students in Academia Pt II

            After having watched the video I think that overall, the group very clearly lays out their objective of the purpose of this video and uses different personal accounts  of students to share and analyse Jim-Li’s evaluation of international students. To continue, the first improvement would be to make the video shorter since the video is six minutes long. Acoustically, some scenes were very quiet and therefore it was hard to understand what was being said. Furthermore, I really liked the different student perspectives of international students, but by potentially adding a viewpoint of faculty especially of professors in the field of asian-american study, it could show a different side, for example what faculty thinks of international students. The video was very informative by explaining how american students view international students, with this being said, the video does not clearly underly the reason why there is so many international students. By asking international students their reason to go to college in the U.S, that would create a good introduction to this topic. Lastly, I really liked when Jim Li established the reasons for why international students can be loud and in big groups, whilst for american students home and family can be very close, for international students their family and their home can be very far away especially for international students from Asia. 

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