Sunday, May 28, 2017

1B Pre-Screening: How Are We Different? Asian Americans v.s. International Asian Students

1B Pre-Screening: How Are We Different? Asian Americans v.s. International Asian Students
(need a UCD email to access)

Section A01
Iris Wu, Elizabeth Chang, Regenia Un

Overall objectives
Our group is looking forward to finding out how students of the same ethnicity but with different backgrounds view each other. Therefore, we are interviewing both Asian Americans, who were born and raised or have spent most of their lives in the U.S., and international Asian students about their impressions on each other. We believe that cultural background will extensively affect one's value and personality, even if they have the same ethnicity. And these diverse personalities and values can easily cause misconceptions on both groups. We are hoping to share some common stereotypes, and eliminate the misunderstanding that both groups have towards each other.

Target Audiences
Our primary audience is college students like us.

The video is still in progress, in need of introduction, conclusion, and some theories to support our research.
It would be nice if we can get specific feedbacks on whether our objectives are clear enough in the video, whether there are some unnecessary scenes (or interview responses) that can be deleted and also what else can be added to support our research.


  1. Alan Sani
    Critique of group 1B
    Overall I think that the video is really good quality work. The video is very well organized, the editing is clean, and content is very easy to understand. I really like the colors and the font style used in the text they were very bright and eye catching. I think this is an important aspect of the video because if text isn’t nice it is very easy to lose the audience’s attention. The only things I would change or improve is the conclusion and maybe some of the filler scenes. It was not clear to whether the conclusion was the interview of the director of the SiSS or if it just wasn’t included. I also think it would have helped to include a Vietnamese American student perspective to reflect the Vietnamese international student perspective. And The filler scenes were nice footage but it didn’t seem too relevant to what the woman was discussing in her interview. However, I think that this is a very minor detail that doesn’t affect the overall message too much. The intent of the video was pretty clear to understand based on the videos and I really appreciated the interview of the woman at the end because it was very informative.

  2. Jowi Deguzman feedback.
    Section A03
    Group 3A

    Overall, it was a good video. It seemed very well put together and the objective was clear. I would say a strength of this video is the variety of people that were interviewed. It is important to have a range of different people used when interviewing because it shows the different perspectives there may be. It also gives the video more credibility because it shows that it is not as biased as it could be with having only a certain type of people be interviewed. Another strength is the video outline, or order, itself. You made the different questions clear and the transitions were not too different than the rest of the video. Personally, this video made me realize that my group should include people from admin, like how this video included the assistant director from the Services for International Students and Scholars, to interview. Though there were only few, a weakness I noticed was not having music present during the whole video. Some parts of the video had music, such as the transition parts, but right after the that, it went back to just the interview. This video was well organized and had great interviews, but what I would recommend is having music playing throughout the whole video to give it more of a fun and entertaining vibe. Other than that, I believe that this was a well put together video, and it has inspired me to do better things with my video and group. I am from group 3A and my name is Jowi Deguzman. I am looking forward to seeing the complete video.
