Sunday, November 26, 2017

Week 10 - Yuanxin Zhang

Yuanxin Zhang
Section A01
Week 10

       From this week’s reading, I can see the connections between the previous topics, like model minority, social engineering, and the corporatization of the university. The model minority has given Asian American students a lot of pressure to work hard to meet the expectation. It has also worsened some negative influence of the Asian culture, where parents want their child to work hard and obey many rules. That can explain why Asian Americans do not speak up for their rights like the Black activists. One big thing that I learned from this class is that the university is not a utopia like many people would depict it to be; rather, it is like a society in a smaller scale, where many kinds of inequality and social engineering could also take place. Many issues exist in different American universities, like the ratio of the Asian faculty remains low and the tuition for the international students remain high while their admission rate has been strictly controlled. Fighting against the tower is very hard because the whole system is built up for the interest of the university, not for the interest of every faculty or students. Thus, scandal needs to be buried sometimes and the truth might be hidden. The scary part of the all is that the problematic structure of the universities in the US is actually influencing all the Asian Americans in some way. I hope more students can realize how social engineering could influence our mindset, and one day in the future, we will come together to build a better structure of the university.

How can we let more students start thinking about the education system, rather than continuing being a bystander when many issues remain?

Valverde, C. & Dariotis, W. M. (2017)The Time to Fight Is Now: When Asian American Women in Academia Go Rogue.

[Digital Image]. (2017). Retrieved from

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