Saturday, October 28, 2017

Week 6 - Tiffany Nguyen

Tiffany Nguyen
ASA 02
28 October 2017

Before reading "Is Wifi in Schools Safe?" I could have gone my entire life without being actively aware that the electromagnetic exposure is harmful since technology is such an integral part of my life and many others'. The article addresses the various ways in which Wi-Fi can effect us physically, emphasizing that Wi-Fi in schools tend to lead to poor academic performance. The physical effects can include deteriorating concentration and application skills, which is not useful for a tool that is branded to be the biggest aid to students. One line from the article can be tied to the idea of the Corporatization of the University, saying, "'Everybody has been sold a bill of goods,' says Rees. 'There's so much publicity and promotion and propaganda about how exciting technology is and how it's so good for learning. But a lot of that isn't true. And a lot of that is just marketing.'" [1].  This idea of the integration of technology into school as business propaganda makes a lot of sense. Nowadays, the idea of eliminating technology from the classroom seems absolutely far-fetched since laptops, wifi, and online programs are now indispensable to a modern college education. However, this may be because it was purposely set up that way. Companies who manufacture laptops and other technological devices now would have a bigger market than ever because of the necessity to have it in school. And while Wi-Fi and technology may be convenient to submit and check assignments easily, we have no other choice but to feed into corporation and buy those laptops and use that heavy-duty wifi, simultaneously increasing our exposure to EMF waves.

Question: How can EMF levels be measured in correspondence to how strong the level of Wi-Fi is?

Spero, B. (n.d.). Is Wi-Fi in Schools Safe? [PDF]. Boston Parents Paper. Retrieved 28, October 2017. 

Havas, M. (2010, November 26). [cartoon]. Retrieved from 

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