Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week 6: Kelsey Kim

Section A03

"On Some College Campuses, A Focus on Asian American Mental Health" by New American Media explores the different kinds of mental health issues and pressures that Asian American students face In college and how these issues tend to go on unaddressed due to commonly accepted model minority stereotypes. The disproportionate amounts of Asian American suicides by students at prestigious universities like Cornell and the California Institute of Technology prompted what things factor into this result. This information makes me question the cost of competition and a capitalist society that makes higher education a requirement for "success." Many Asian Americans deal with generational pressures to succeed in college and get good careers to provide for their families and honor their sacrifices or international students battle with feelings of isolation and the frustrations that derive from language barriers. However, students battle with the shame of struggle and attempt to overcome it on their own, which results in further isolation and feelings of hopelessness. Peer pressure or competition among peers is also a prominent stress factor. I personally have seen high levels of anxiety and frustration that result from high expectations and insecurities having to do with academic performance. Many Asians who buy into the model minority stereotype believe their value is determined by their grades or academic achievement, thus, falling into the trap of comparing themselves to others and feelings of disappointment. This mindset is often reinforced by parents and peers. Such reliance on academic performance for value and affirmation leads to "paralyzing" fear of failure and sometimes low self-esteem. 

Will changing the perception of Asians and the model minority stereotype positively impact mental health in Asian American campus communities? 

Stressed student studying for exam in classroom [Photograph found in IStock, Getty Images]. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2017, from
On Some College Campuses, a Focus on Asian American Mental ... (2013, September 13). Retrieved October 29, 2017, from,5067.1

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