Sunday, October 29, 2017

Alexander Soong Week6: A03

Alexander Soong
Week 6
ASA2 A03
Too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. That is the only thing I could think of when reading Spero's "Is Wi-Fi in School Safe?" One would be a fool in my opinion to suggest that the invention and implementation of Wireless transmissions into our society is a detrimental thing. Think of all the things that wireless signals has made possible in the last 20 years, namely the internet. The internet is probably as revolutionary as the discovery of electricity in the grand scheme of things. It has pushed our ability to learn, discover and make other advances to grow at an exponential rate. Of course everything has its downsides, so obviously exposure to these radiations should be regulated. But then again, many of these things can be regualted by yourself. Such as, dont leave your phone on your nightstand when you're sleeping. Thats an extra 6 hours of useless radiation next to your head 24/7/365.

My opinion is probably biased because I am a techie so I live and breathe technology. To me, this piece is almost just an article of people complaining and not being appreciate of what we have. Do you really want to have wired internet... That would mean wires connecting to every laptop, connecting back to a router. How would you conduct a lecture in a lecture hall of 500 people. What would you do if there was a hardware malfunction?

If people are so against wireless transmissions, and wifi. What is your alternative solution? Go back to researching a topic in the library, spending days and days to find an answer, or using Google to get an answer in 3 seconds.

Spero, B. (n.d.). Is Wi-Fi in Schools Safe?: Putting EMF Exposure on Your Radar of Potential Health Risks. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from

“Internet Problem Caused By Disordered Wiring.” Shutterstock, Apple's Eyes Studio,

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