Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week 6 - Kevin Mo

Kevin Mo
Section A02
Week 6

Brian Spero’s “Is Wi-Fi in Schools Safe?: Putting EMF Exposure on Your Radar of Potential Health Risks” brings to light the age old question of how much technology do we really need in our lives? With new advances in technology arising every day, such as artificial intelligence, our everyday lives are becoming more and more intertwined with computers and phones such that we haven’t stop to think about the possible repercussions of being in constant contact with technology’s byproducts. With the recent resurgence of mental illness, especially in high profile tragedies, perhaps EMF waves are the missing link to the 21st century mental wellness problem. It’s easy to ignore the potential side-effects of excessive radiation since its effects are near impalpable until it’s too late. Especially in naive teenagers and young adults, people tend to overlook the negatives of something if it can grant them instant gratification of pleasure at the very moment at which they decide that their decision causes more good than harm. However, that harm can be cumulative, and if the research is true, could lead to potential health risks. In the end, the answer is uncertain. There needs to be more research before a definitive decision can be made. A study must be done comparing the health of someone untouched by EMF radiation versus someone who is in constant contact with it.
Question: How can a study between a control (person with minimal EMF exposure) and a variable (person with constant EMF exposure) be effectively performed to gather useful data?


  1. Health Impact on EMF Radiation. Accessed 29 Oct. 2017.
  2. Spero, B. (n.d.). Is Wi-Fi in Schools Safe?: Putting EMF Exposure on Your Radar of Potential Health Risks. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from

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