Sunday, January 13, 2019

Week 2_Annalisa C. Dailo_A02

Annalisa C. Dailo
SID: 914767604

After reading the article Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety: Ethnic, Gender, and Generational Differences in Asian American College Access and Choices,  I was able to feel a connection to most of the sampled students that were first generation college students. In my experience, my parents never applied to college, but they have always pushed me to go to a good school; not attending a college was a choice in their household. I was reminded every single day to go to a good school because my parents would always come home in pain from their jobs. They were hard on me and my sister, which helped motivate us to "milk" the most out of high school and even now; they were always drilling the message that college is vital for a successful future.

Even though their intentions were to help me with my future, I was pretty sensitive to the ongoing nag. Aside from my parents's strong support and push, the main person that really influenced where I should go was my high school Science Bowl coach. He would always give me advice as to consider different aspects of a school I should consider choosing, rather than "just choosing any school I get accepted to." Another main factor that really influenced my choice was how far the school was from home. As much as I love my parents, I wanted to get as far as I could (but within the state still) just so I could look after myself without them constantly being over my shoulder, even though they wanted me to be close to home (I still FaceTime them every day, just so they don't worry too much).

Aside from my own account, I know that there are many other people who face different situations with their parents. I feel that the assumption that Asian American students make their choices based on their "Tiger Mom's" whims shouldn't be looked over. There's a lot of differences and diversity within Asian Americans to even make an overall generalization.

Question: Would there be a change in trends as to who attends university in the future?


Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety: Ethnic, Gender, and Generational Differences in Asian American College Access and Choices by OiYan Poon (2013)

From Tiger to Free-Range Parents: What Research Says About Popular Parenting Styles (2014)

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