Sunday, January 13, 2019

week 2- Lucero Hernandez Cruz A04

This week's readings of “The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers”  ties in with a comment that was brought up during the lecture about people being on this conveyer belt. Essentially the comparison illustrates how individuals are raised with the mentality that there is a certain pathway to success that they must follow in order to acquire the said success in the end. For the most part we are taught that in order to succeed we need to go to a “good” university and graduate with a degree that will give you a decent income in order to acquire your dream house and car; however, as discussed in class many students end up falling in debt and some even pass hunger or homelessness because from the beginning tuition is skyrocket high. Furthermore, the founding fathers of the education system from the start wanted people that would be docile enough in order to mold them according to the elites way, one in which they would remain the labor and not have the possibility to reach a status of similar value as the elite (Lee 2). In order to reach this docility, the best solution they found was to start from a young age when their mind is open to learning such as in pre-school and kindergarten. Therefore, many of the wealthy elite invest in schools such as in textbooks, grants/scholarships, materials for staff and students because by instructing them they restrict individuals way of thought. For example books at one point taught the difference between what made the minority groups inferior in comparison to the white individuals by explaining it in scientific terms. Furthermore, it allowed the building of racism and discrimination that today’s society is still battling. 


If more freedom was given in choosing classes from middle school and high school, is there a possibility that individuals would have more freedom to aspire to be something greater than what they are told they can? Would it ever be possible for the majority of students that graduate a university to graduate with little to no debt, and how? 


Lee, J. (2014). The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers. Waking Times. Retrieved from 

r/im14andthisisdeep. “Escaping the conveyor belt of life.”Reddit, Nov. 10, 2017, [image] 

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